Sunday 29 September 2013

Cue Alice and the white rabbit....

Every afternoon, a very formal high tea is served in the Dining room… picture this ….. a piano player tinkling the ivories… white gloved waiters …….delicate cucumber sandwiches…. luscious cream cakes….. scones with jam and cream…… lashings of chocolate ganache…. the best china ware …….

                                                                                                                    so civilised….. until today.

The occasion…. the Dawn Nomads Mad Hater's Tea Party…. the invitation said to put on your craziest hat… and about 60took up the challenge and came along in all manner of headwear to share afternoon tea with their friends and have some fun. Cynthia and Timothy, as well as Brigitte, Thom and Bernie from the cruise staff came along to judge the winners and join in the frivolities.

The photos tell the stories……

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